Jeramy Zimmerman

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Jeramy Zimmerman


CoorsTek 309
Research Website
My research interests are primarily in developing and understanding materials used in various photovoltaic and light emitting devices. My on-campus research develops structure-property relationships connecting molecular properties, bulk morphology, interfacial morphology, and solid-film optoelectronic properties in small-molecule organic thin films. This research includes the use of atom probe tomography to understand fundamental science and improve device efficiency in small-molecule organic light emitting diodes and small-molecule organic photovoltaics. A second research interest of mine, primarily with collaborators at NREL, is the integration of III-V semiconductors with silicon for optoelectronic platforms, such as photovoltaics.


  • Postdoc – University of Michigan
  • PhD – University of California, Santa Barbara
  • BS – Colorado School of Mines

Research Areas

  • Condensed matter physics
  • Photovoltaic and light emitting materials
  • Epitaxial crystal growth
  • Semiconductor interfaces
  • III-V/Si integration
  • Small molecule organic electronics
  • Atom probe tomography

Current Research Projects

Research Website


Google Scholar Page

Honors and Awards