Colorado School of Mines has a long and rich history in energy-related research. With more than 200 industry partners and more than 4,500 energy-related archival publications in just the past few years, Mines embraces 21st-century challenges with multi-disciplinary research. The Mines/NREL Advanced Energy Systems graduate engineering degree program combines NREL’s world-class research in energy systems and technologies with Mines’ internationally recognized research portfolio. A sampling of early student research below highlights the diversity of student research interests.
Jeffrey Gifford
Gifford, J. “A Systems Modeling Platform for Particle-based Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Long-Duration Energy Storage Applications,” SolarPACES 2022, Albuquerque, NM, September 2022.
Ma, Z., Wang, X., Davenport, P., Gifford, J., and Martinek, J. “Preliminary Component Design and Cost Estimation of a Novel Electric-Thermal Energy Storage System Using Solid Particles.” ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. June 2022; 144(3): 030901.
Heather Mirletz
H. M. Mirletz, S. Ovaitt, A. Gaulding, S. Sridhar, and T. Barnes, “Quantifying Energy flows in PV Circularity Processes,” Philidelphia PA, Jun. 2022, p. 3. Best Student Presentation Award Area 8.
Ovaitt & Mirletz, Silvana & Heather, Sridhar Seetharaman, and Teresa Barnes. January 2022. “PV in the Circular Economy, A Dynamic Framework Analyzing Technology Evolution and Reliability Impacts.” ISCIENCE.
Liam Witteman
Witteman, Liam. “Design of a Continuous Electrochemical Purification Reactor for Corrosion Mitigation in Molten Chloride Salt Systems,” SolarPACES 2022, Albuquerque, NM, September 2022.
Witteman, Liam & Rippy, Kerry & Taylor, Patrick & Vidal, Judith. (2021). Electrochemical Control for Corrosion in Molten Chloride Salts. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2021-02. 544-544. 10.1149/MA2021-028544mtgabs.
Jesse Dugan
Dugan, Jesse, Byles, Dahlia, & Mohagheghi, Salman. (2023). Social vulnerability to long-duration power outages. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 85, 103501.
Dugan, Jesse, Salman Mohagheghi, and Benjamin Kroposki. 2021. “Application of Mobile Energy Storage for Enhancing Power Grid Resilience: A Review” Energies 14, no. 20: 6476.
Colleen Moauro
Moauro, Colleen. “Low-Cost Energy Storage: Durability and Testing of Silica-PEG Phase Change Material,” Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, April 13-14, 2022. 2nd place, Materials Science & Mechanics Poster Competition.
Tobias Hull
Kruger, Jacob, Knoshaug, Eric, Dong, Tao, Hull, Tobias C. and Pienkos, Philip T. “Catalytic Hydroprocessing of Single-Cell Oils to Hydrocarbon Fuels : Converting microbial lipids to fuels is a promising approach to replace fossil fuels”, Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2021, 65, (2), 227. doi: 10.1595/205651321X16024905831259
Colleen Moauro
Moauro, Colleen. “Low-Cost Energy Storage: Durability and Testing of Silica-PEG Phase Change Material,” Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, April 13-14, 2022. 2nd place, Materials Science & Mechanics Poster Competition.
Tobias Hull
Kruger, Jacob, Knoshaug, Eric, Dong, Tao, Hull, Tobias C. and Pienkos, Philip T. “Catalytic Hydroprocessing of Single-Cell Oils to Hydrocarbon Fuels : Converting microbial lipids to fuels is a promising approach to replace fossil fuels”, Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2021, 65, (2), 227. doi: 10.1595/205651321X16024905831259
Amogh Thatte
Thatte, Amogh. “Analyzing the integration of a utility-scale high-temperature electrolyzer system with a high VRE grid”, Presentation to AES PhD Research Seminar, October 2022.
Emily McDonald
McDonald, Emily. “High-throughput Computations for Power Electronics Materials Discovery”, Presentation to the International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology (COMBI), Golden, CO. September 2022.
Opeoluwa Wonuola Olawale
Olawale, Opeoluwa Wonuola, Ben Gilbert, and Janet Reyna. “Residential Demand Flexibility: Modeling Occupant Behavior using Sociodemographic Predictors.” Energy and Buildings 262 (2022): 111973.
Chen, Jianli, Rajendra Adhikari, Eric Wilson, Joseph Robertson, Anthony Fontanini, Ben Polly, and Opeoluwa Olawale. “Stochastic simulation of residential building occupant-driven energy use in a bottom-up model of the US housing stock.” arXiv e-prints (2021): arXiv-2111.
Christina Simeone
(2022) Cordon screen: A cordon-based congestion pricing policy evaluation method for U.S. cities, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2022.2100510
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